Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Sweet Surrender

I am SO EXCITED to announce our next SF show, it's going to be HUGE!!!

I couldn't be happier with this show lineup! Both Camilla and Krista sent over some preview pics this morning, so this is perfect timing to share them with all of you...

Krista Huot

This is one of Krista's new drawings that she's done on colored pastel paper. Along with the paper pieces, she will also be delivering some acrylic on birch paintings.

Camilla d'Errico

Keep in mind that this photo was taken with Camilla's iPhone and it still looks incredible! She's delivering 10 pieces, some in color and a few black and whites. AND Camilla will be at the show!

The show opens on March 6th at Gallery1988 San Francisco. I will post some preview pics from Mia, Allison Torneros and Jen Tong when we have them available.

G1988 SF


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