Censorship has always seemed to shock me. The line of indecent material seems so blurry, I'm not sure how anyone is able to decipher what is "lewd," "dirty" or "unacceptable," and what is not. For example, I find a lot of the things that Ann Coulter says to be censor-worthy (and I don't mean her political beliefs, I mean instances like when she un-ironically called John Edwards a "faggot"), yet I think Sarah Silverman should basically be allowed to say whatever she wants....cause she's joking! I know my theory isn't going to stand up to any debate - cause it's basically just saying, "If you're joking (i.e. Howard Stern, George Carlin, etc.) you should be able to freely move around in the name of satire and society based commentary, but if you're just doing it in hate (i.e. Bill O'Reilly, Larry the Cable Guy, etc.) I think we should take away your rights - and that's a crazy stance. But I have it. And the only reason I bring this up is because 1988 homies Kevin Smith and Scott Mosier have their newest film opening October 31st and it seems the title and poster have been causing quite a stir. First....they were banned from using this poster, which IS allowed to be used in Canada...

...and once that got banned, the US got this....

Which OK, I kinda get. I mean, I'm cool with the first one, but I understand why maybe someone could get the first one banned. But NOW....we're dealing with people banning the posters or ads because the word "Porno" is in the title. SOOOOO, people are pulling the ads down AND FOX isn't allowing commercials to run during the World Series because of the title. And I know it's all a taste thing, and it depends on if you have a family, etc....but because of the word "Porno?" Off the top of my head, I would argue that all those Axe Body Spray commercials are 7 million times worse, but whatever. I kinda just wanted to advertise Kevin and Scott's movie...so there you go.
Back to art - after Ruel Pascual's success a few days ago here on the blog with his 3 new pieces (2 sold, 1 on hold), we figured we'd follow up with some blog exclusive new pieces from LA artist Misha that are so sweet. These pieces from Misha are all influenced by vintage 8-bit video games, part of a series she's been working on since 2005 (p.s. all the rest are SOLD). So break out the Power Pad and check these insanely affordable pieces out...

"Monkey Love - Game Over For Mario"
12 x 12 inches
acrylic on canvas

"Painting the Roses Red"
5 x 7 inches, framed
acrylic on canvas

"Drink Me"
5 x 7 inches, framed
acrylic on canvas

"Eat Me"
5 x 7 inches, framed
acrylic on canvas
If you are interested, feel free to call us at (323) 937 - 7088 or email us at gallery1988@aol.com.
G1988: LA