Saturday, August 23, 2008

You need ART to spell party.

We're still fending off an average of 50 customers in the gallery at a time today and actually made a Saturday record with 78 people in the gallery at one time. Michael Rappaport even brought in his kid's whole basketball team. So, not much time for serious blogging sessions, but our friends over at posted some pics, and we're happy to steal some. Make sure to CLICK HERE to see more of the pics over at Old Man Musings for yourself.

Crowd shot. You can see our sweet little announcement for the 2009 show up above the window.

Desk Shot. Working hard as LL Cool J on Unplugged, but with a Monster Factory Walter right in front of me.

G4 Genius (of all things including MMA!) Blair Butler and PlasticGod.

Stand By Me and Star Trek star, and one of the subjects of Dave MacDowell's piece "Stand By Snooch," Wil Wheaton poses near the sold painting. Wil was an incredibly nice dude. Hoping to see more of him around 1988.

Mr. Brandon Bird near his sold piece.

Misha near her sold piece. With Blair.

Danielle Rizzolo x VIMBY (cough, sold piece, cough)

Kirk Demaris's first gallery pieces ever = SUCCESS! (you get it)

Who better to celebrate with then Mr. Toast, Dan Goodsell.

Worst/Best/Worst Best picture of Andrew Wilson near his Craz y 4 Cult poster. Sorry, dude.

Anyway, that's all I got in me. I'm on 4 hours sleep for 2 days. Remember, has everything now, including all the artwork and prints and posters, some available with just a click from PayPal.

G1988: LA

1 comment:

themightymendoza said...

I'd love to come to your galleries! Where in L.A?