Alright, so let's take the time I normally would to blog a momentous opening like we had last Tuesday. First off, here's a screen cap taken early Thursday of our web hits on Monday and Tuesday. Check out a million, sucker.

I'm still waiting for my pictures (my girlfriend's camera cord might just be camoflauge), but here are some either emailed to me, or stolen off other sites.

Kevin and Jeff McMillan, with the piece that will now rest in the home of the man who wrote the line, "The cookie stand is an eatery, an eatery is part of the food court."

Dave Chung and Edgar Wright in front of a piece inspired by Wright's Shaun of the Dead film, that will now rest in the home of the man who wrote the line, "I don't think I've got it in me to shoot my mum, roommate, and girlfriend all in one day..."

Artist Brandi Milne being interviewed by G4, in front of her three pieces inspired by FREAKS!, which all SOLD.

Kevin enters the building. Post-purcashing, pre-drink spill.

Baseman vs. Shepard. This was right before Shep threw a fireball and Gary did one of those "Arrrrddddduuuukaaaaan" sweeping punch things.

Me on G4. I don't know when that airs, but I do reference how sexy Maggie Gyllenhal was when she was younger and poo-stained pretzels in one interview.

Here I play Kevin Costner to Kevin Smith's Whitney Houston, as fans say their hellos.

This is the best picture I could get of the line now, until I get my camera going, but please know it goes on beyond this shot for almost a block and half more. Around the building and through our alleyway. It stayed that long until around 10:15.
Here's some things to click (or just read).
A GREAT Reelz Channel TV segment on the show."
Read Kevin's Inventory and recap of the night." When I get thanked by a guy who I can't seem to thank enough, it feels weird.
Thanks to Ralph Garman, who I have heard shouted out Mark Bodnar's piece, which he will take home on August 10th, on the KROQ morning show the next day.
E! Online covers an art show?" Get your Matt "Lebron" Dangler on!
LA Weekly's Slideshow"
Getty Images shoots celebrities....and me." You can see how awkward this was (although I've known Jason for years in what feels like a different life for both of us in different ways), I'm like, "Ummmm, I'm not famous."
Shouts to all the other blogs and sites who also covered the night, as well as those still working on their coverage. We launched today and are selling the Simkins prints like...something that sells fast. And you'll see a new print there almost every 3-4 weeks! YIKES. I'll have more pictures this weekend I'm hoping, so I'll keep my update game quick like....hotcakes?
G1988: LA