Back from a whirlwind trip to SF to catch The G1988/Luke Chueh fiesta "Vivisect Playset (Round 5)" and getting the space ready for what is sure to be an attention-filled exhibit, "Without You I'm Just Me," featuring the work of Pete Wentz (Fall Out Boy) and Travis McCoy (Gym Class Heroes). Listen, getting preview email requests from Pharrell Williams just doesn't happen much in our parts. In addition to the Wentz/McCoy art skills, the two rock stars also did some collaborations with 1988 familiar faces like Greg Simkins, Luke Chueh, Jeff McMillan and Buff Monster. While long-time desired artist, Dan May, makes his G1988: LA debut, with a team up as well - seen below...

Fall Out Boy lead singer, Patrick Vaughn Stump is also rumored to be contributing a piece. Gonna be good times. And our homies at GelaSkins created dope iPod skins to celebrate the opening reception, which is this Tuesday night.

The public reception is 6-9 PM, Private Friends and Family jump-off is 9-11 PM. The gallery has a few spots for the VIP reception, so shoot over an email if I know you enough to expect that you won't be creepy.
Anyway, back to the grind.
G1988: LA
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