Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year!

I'm sure most of you returned to work this morning, just as we did after some well needed days off. It's always a little difficult to get back to work, but we have a show to start of 2010 that will chase your back-to-work blues away! Gallery1988 favorite, Krista Huot, has created a solo show titled "Nepenthe," which is a greek word that literally translates to "the one that chases away sorrow." Krista's new show centers around the world of storybooks and fairytales, so the new work is sure to bring a big smile to all of our faces!

The show opens this Saturday, January 9th at Gallery1988 San Francisco! Stay tuned for preview pics throughout the week.

Happy New Year!

G1988 SF


John Rozum said...

That piece is really beautiful. I wish I could be there for the show.

Anonymous said...

yeah, looking fwd to this. AND some of those promised preview pics! ;)