You can read the article, which includes quotes from artists Johnny Sampson, Ben Strawn and Kiersten Essenepreis, by CLICKING HERE.
Another thing that does ease the pain of destroying Greyskull88 - it makes way from the Grass Hut invasion!

"Glass Hat," an exhibit that will feature artists from the collective "Grass Hut," will open on Thursday, Feb 4th, with an opening reception from 7 - 10 PM. It will feature artwork from Grass Hut artists, Bwana Spoons, Martin Ontiveros, Le Merde, Apak, Justin "Scrappers" Morrison and Arbito, but also feature GH affiliates Shanggs, Shawn Wolfe, Gargamel, David Horvath, Kiyoshi Nakazawa and John Black. Going to awesome! Wanna know more about Grass Hat and the show? I asked the guys to break it down for us...and here's what I got:
Imagine a club house (or hut) made of beards, fluorescent paint,
driftwood, plastic toys, beat up skateboards, swimming suits, colorful
string and bottle caps. That's Grass Hut!
It all started with Bwana Spoons. He made art that inspired us all. He
invited us to show art with him, he's the reason we came together.
Scrappers, Le Merde, Martin Ontiveros, and Apak have come to be know as
Grass Hut.
These artists have helped Grass Hut grow by curating group shows, teaching
each other how to make toys, making websites for each other, painting
murals, working the shop counter, shipping, answering email, making each
other laugh with fart jokes, and by having the kind of fun that informs
the work we do.
Grass Hut is a gallery/shop/studio located in Portland, but all the
artists involved have turned it more into a colorful wildfire of
creativity that has spread throughout the tubes of the internet connecting
artists from around the world.
Beyond the brick and mortar of the Portland location, Grass Hut grows in
the work done by it's extended family: Arbito, Snaggs, Shawn Wolfe,
Gargamel, David Horvath, Kiyoshi Nakazawa, John Black and You make this
whole thing more important then the people involved.
Now it's about the spirit of stoking each other's creative fires and
making art that reminds everyone to have fun.
Glass Hat is a mistranslation of Grass Hut from a translation site our
friends in Japan used. The first time I got an email from Chanmen (of
Gargamel) and it said Glass Hat I shit myself with laughter.
Glass Hat at Gallery 1988 is our chance to take all the fun we've had
making Grass Hut a creative playground and explode.
Expect fresh original paintings, one-of-a-kind custom painted toys,
special print editions, and collaborations of all shapes and sizes.
Told you....sounds awesome, right? This week I'll get you some previews too. In the meanwhile, just imagine goodness.
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