Feels like Portland, Oregon has pulled right onto Melrose and La Brea as your favorite Grass Hut Art Collective members have started work on their artwork installation (and more!) for their show, "Glass Hat." And not only do we have the Grass Hut core members, we have their friends and affiliates helping make their take over of Los Angeles even more memorable.
The show will open tomorrow night (Thursday), with a reception from 7-10 PM and I'm telling you: don't miss this one. Every painting they pull out of every box, and every customized toy they unveil before they place it onto a shelf, makes me say "AWESOME" in an incredibly loud tone. So, get your "AWESOMES" ready, because it's time for sneak peeks.

APAK is Aaron Piland and Ayumi Kajikawa Piland and over the past few years have quickly become one of my favorite art duos. We are so happy to finally have their work in the LA gallery and the previewed piece above, "Earth Reflectors," is beautiful.

I had never heard of Arbito before Bwana and the guys brought up his name for this show, and I realized quickly I have been obviously SLEEPING on something very cool. Especially since the gallery has gotten so many emails inquiring about his work for this show. Check out the above painting and custom toy (HOLY MOLY). I am so stoked to have been introduced to Arbito's work and look forward to working with him in the future.

One of my Comic Con highlights every year is visiting the Grass Hut booth, which also seems to be your favorite highlight too, considering how fast they sell their custom toys released that weekend. And a few years back, that's where I learned of Le Merde. Easily, my favorite toy customizer, I learned quickly that I also love his paintings. You can see both above, but you won't see them long considering how high the demand has been for the work in "Glass Hat" already.

One of the original 20 artists we contacted when we opened in 2004, Bwana Spoons is just wholeheartedly awesome. Check out the custom and the painting above and it's easy to see why he's one of the most talked about artists in our genre, and has been for quite some time. An all-around good dude, and all-around good artist and I always look forward to see what he's gonna do next. And his work for "Glass Hat" is no different.
So there's a quick peak. Tomorrow, I'll give you some sneaks of the amazing gallery installation their creating, which involves and actual Grass Hut!