As we edge closer and closer to this Friday's opening of "Is This Thing On?" - it's time to announce the artist line-up for the group show and announce exactly which comedians the artists are portraying. So here we go...
Alan Hynes vs Chris Farley
Alex Leighton vs Will Ferrel & Richard Pryor
Alex Pardee vs Don Rickles
Allison Reimold vs Paul Reubens
Andrew DeGraff vs Tim & Eric
Andrew Wilson vs Nick Kroll & Demetri Martin
Augie Pagan vs Chris Rock
Ayami Kawashima vs Whitney Cummings
Becky Dreistadt vs Jon Lovitz
Billy Perkins vs Sam Kinison
Brandon Schaefer vs Bill Murray & Woody Allen
Brandon Sopinsky vs Colin Quinn
Brad Klaussen vs Bill Hicks
Carlos Ramos vs Howard Stern
Casey Weldon vs Judd Apatow, Chris Hardwick, Marc Maron & Scott Auckerman
Chan Koak vs David Spade
Chet Zar vs Andy Dick
Chris Sanchez vs Lenny Bruce
Craig Parillo vs Adam Sandler, Don Rickles & Chris Farley
Daisy Church vs Amy Sedaris & Lisa Lampanelli
Danielle Buerli vs David Cross
Danielle Rizzolo vs Chris Farley
Dave MacDowell vs Richard Pryor
Dave Perillo vs Andy Kaufman
Dean Yasutake vs Christopger Guest
Delicious Design League vs Mr. Show
Derek Deal vs Rob Corddry and Children's Hospital
Drake Brodahl vs Gilbert Gottfried
Ellen Schinderman vs Jeffrey Ross
Eric Braddock vs Bill Cosby & Bobcat Goldthwait
Eric Tan vs Tracy Morgan
Erica Gibson vs Roseanne
Fred Harper vs Patton Oswalt & Dave Attell
Gabe Lanza vs Mr. Show
Glen Brogan vs David Wain and Wet Hot American Summer
Ibraheem Youssef vs Will Ferrel & Will Forte
Ian Glaubinger vs John Candy
Irma Rivera vs Lilly Tomlin
Israel Sanchez vs Phil Hartman
Jason D'Aquino vs John Belushi & Mel Brooks and Young Frankenstein
Jeff Boyes vs Chevy Chase
Jeff Proctor vs Louis CK
Jeff Ramirez vs Norm MacDonald
Jen Rarey vs Flight of the Conchords
Jeremiah Ketner vs Jim Carrey
Jeremy Tinder vs Andy Kaufman
Jim Mahfood vs Reggie Watts
Jon Smith vs Is This Thing On?
Josh Cooley vs Steve Martin & Larry David
Johnny Sampson vs Rodney Dangerfield
Jude Buffum vs Mitch Hedberg
Julian Callos vs Ellen DeGenerous
Julie Bolene vs Margaret Cho
Justin Parpan vs Steven Wright
Ken Garduno vs Conan O'Brien & David Letterman
Ken Keirns vs Richard Lewis
Kenny Harris vs George Carlin & UCB Theater LA
Kevin Tong vs Conan O'Brien
Kiersten Essenpreis vs Steve Martin
Kim Herbst vs Upright Citizen Brigade
Kirk Demarais vs Human Giant
Lauren Gregg vs Sasha Baron Cohen & Gallagher
Lawrence Yang vs Dana Carvey
Little Friends of Printmaking vs Will Ferrel
Mark Wesler vs Jon Stewart and The Daily Show & Danny McBride
Methane Studios vs Tim & Eric
Michael Steele vs Carrot Top
Misha vs Greg Giraldo & Donald Glover
Mike Mitchell vs Zach Galifiankis
Mylan Nguyen vs Charlene Yi
N.C. Winters vs Bill Murray
Nathan Stapley vs George Carlin
Netherland vs Andrew "Dice" Clay
Nicole Gustaffson vs Chris Elliot
Nigel Sanders vs Jon Lovitz
Nimit Malavia vs Artie Lange
Paul Palcko vs Doug Benson, Jon Belushi & Redd Foxx
Pedro Delgado vs Ben Stiller
Rich Pelligrino vs Ricky Gervais & Steven Wright
Ryan Jones vs Dave Chapelle
Rudy Fig vs Chelsea Handler
Ruel Pascual vs Aziz Ansari
Sam Smith vs Woody Allen
Sarah Soh vs Eddie Murphy
Scott Campbell vs SF Sketchfest
Scott Derby vs Cheech & Chong
Sean Clarity vs Mitch Hedberg
Stella Hultberg vs Sarah Silverman
Stephanie Buscema vs Andrew "Dice" Clay & Stella
Tara McPherson vs Sarah Silverman
Task One vs Andy Kaufman
Todd Slater vs Steve Martin
Tom Haubrick vs Jerry Seinfeld
Tom Whalen vs Robin Williams
Travis Louie vs Brian Posehn
Tripper Dungan vs David Cross
Tristan Eaton vs Charlie Murphy
Victoria Hebard vs Kids In The Hall
Wade Schin vs Steve Martin
If you're not excited by that list - you have no sense of humor. And no one wants to be that person.
G1988 (Melrose)
That list is amazing, I can't wait to see all the work.
I guess this qualifies as a complaint, even though I hate to make one, but where's the Paul F. Tompkins love?
I wish I would have known he wasn't getting represented, I would have taken a crack at it.
ANyway, that list is amazing and I look forward to seeing all the artists takes on a subject that has brought me thousands of hours of entertainment over the years.
Bummed that no one's doing Maria Bamford either. Oh well. Can't wait to see the pieces!
Oh yeah! Maria would've been great too! Sad!
But you know what? Looking at the art today, it looks like cott Campbell's piece included, well, EVERYBODY.
So props to Scott Campbell!
I thought of this yesterday for PFT, and whipped it up in photoshop.
Paul F. Tompkins by way of Andy Warhol's Campbell's soup cans.
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