Our good friend, art collector and man who owns a plush bear costume, Jon Halperin is putting together a pretty awesome fundraiser for a trip he's about to make. He's auctioning off an awesome Luke Chueh drawing all in the name of charity and art! Here's the project in his own words -
"On July 23rd, I leave for Guatemala to tour schools with "COED". The Cooperative for Education creates sustainable textbook, computer center, reading, scholarship, and library programs in Guatemala.
My goal is to bring out an entire suitcase filled with crayons for COED to distribute to the 194 middle schools they serve. Being a collector, and a fan of the arts, i thought this would be a good idea to assist in facilitating drawing/sketching to these kids...
To reach this goal, i have decided to auction off a Luke Chueh black/red drawing which i purchased from Gallery 1988 in 2005 for $150. It is titled "Sketch #6" and measures 6x8", 8x10" framed.
Rather than money, you will be bidding boxes of crayons from the $.99 Store. They are (you guessed it) $.99 a pop. This being said, United States bidders obviously makes more sense.
I will start the auction now and end it Monday June 28th at 9pm Pacific Time. Email jon@theglasshouse.us to place a bid and I will post bids here for all to see. I reside in Southern California, so local meetups work, or mail me the boxes and I will mail out the piece. The buyer covers shipping.
So email the man if you want in, and you want to support a great cause.
And here's the Luke piece you're bidding crayons for:

And safe travels to Jon!