Tom Whalen took aim at some of the Twilight Zone's most famous actors and episodes, by taking the stars and putting them in other roles, but still in the Twilight Zone episode. Pretty awesome and smart, and these are VERY limited.

Ken Garduno, who did 10 pieces for the show (!), is really the stand out. This one is based on "Time Enough At Last," my favorite episode.

Wade Schin created another one of his epic one-a-kind figures, this one just might terrorize a young William Shatner from the wing of an airplane.

On the subject of smart, Mylan Nguyen did an incredible piece based on "Time Enough At Last." This one is a book that she drew and painted on, representing Burgess Meredith's ever-so-beloved (yet tragic) books. But open the book up, and see more of Mylan's work, and the back up glasses Burgess should have made, with include actual coke bottle bottoms and tape. SUCH A SMART PIECE!

G1988 fav Kiersten Essenpreis enters "The Eye Of The Beholder," another classic tale. Not everyone can be beautiful.

Another "Time Enough At Last" piece, this time by Ellen Schinderman, who created a needlepoint depicting that infamous final scene...right before his world comes crashing down.
Again, DO NOT MISS TONIGHT! Going to be a great show to see in person....
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