Thursday, April 19, 2007

Was Vinny Delpino In Newsies?

Read all about it.

LA Times article hits. "Click Here."

Great video by Ace Carretero for Vinyl Pulse popping up on the You Tubes. "Click Here." You kinda gotta think Nic Cowan is so loveable he'd win "American Idol" or something.

The SF Chronicle picks up the SF Grand Opening (which is THIS Saturday). "Click Here."

With coverage from Fuel, Spike, G4 and MTV on its way, I don't sleep anymore. Speaking of not sleeping, I'm working on getting all the pieces that are available online right now. Well, not right now "right now," but as SOON as I'm done with you, blog.

I leave tomorrow for SF, but make sure you all swing by the gallery when you can. It really is a GREAT show - curated by Katie, Me and Jon Gibson. Yup, all of us.

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